Let Adam INSPIRE your audience!

The world is rapidly changing. If you’re not changing with it, you’re going to continue losing ground. Stop this landslide now and transform yourself from the inside out. Become Unshakeable.


More than ever before… WE NEED MORE LEADERS.

All our lives we were trained to “behave, be quiet, sit down, be good.”

So when it comes time for us to STAND UP as entrepreneurs… we’re certain to face a lot of fear, doubt, insecurities… aka RESISTANCE.

But when you can be intentional in EMBODYING the way you want to feel & who you want to show up as each and every day… you become that in which you make a habit.

Where most people are just focusing on the “mindset”… I like to take a different approach. Manage your STATE OF BEING first and the rest will follow.

NO-THING Can Phase You

When you fully embody the state of BEING as a leader, you can finally stop hiding and start working from your calling…that urge and feeling deep inside you that knows you want to make this world a better place (no matter what that looks like to you).  THAT is when you feel empowered and THAT is when your heart truly comes alive.

It’s not about you. It’s about the people you’re here to help and impact. Because if you stay stuck, if you play small…then the people you’re here to help and impact stay stuck and small as well. And when they stay stuck and small…the people they’re here to help stay stuck.

The world suffers greatly if/when you let fear win. There’s nothing to fear except fear itself. And you’ll find…when you come from a place of heart and of service…NOTHING, NO-THING can touch you. NO-THING can phase you.

And when you can step out of the old way you’ve felt for so long… and step powerfully into a new way of being… not only does your mind get on board… but your HEART begins to shine again.

So if you’ve been holding back, getting ready to get ready, procrastinating and delaying STEPPING UP… then it’s time to change your state and reprogram your BEing from the inside-out. 

Because at the end of the day… you can have all of the tools, tactics, strategies, blueprints to running your business… but if your HEART, MIND… AND BODY aren’t on board together… your boat will inevitably sink. It’s time to INFUSE YOUR HEART into your business, your message and your sales. ❤️ 

Book Adam For Your Event

Topics that I can talk about at a speaking event for you include, but are not limited to…

Looking for a more specific topic? We’ll put together a special presentation that fits your needs.



Are you leadership material?

Maybe you think you’re not good enough, that there is someone better than you, or that no one will care about what you have to say. However, you’re doing the world a great disservice by staying quiet and playing small. It’s time to step out from the dark and away from the fear. Bring your light to the world so that others may benefit from you being you.



Get 4x more done in half the time with much less effort

The old ways of working simply fight against our human nature. It’s time to take a brand new bulletproof approach.



6 keys to your strategic advantage

90% of businesses have no marketing strategy. Those who do simply cannot execute. With the 6 keys to your strategic advantage, you’ll always have the upper hand on your competition.

The amount of uncertainty and damaging noise in the world is at an all time high. We need Heart Centered Leaders now more than ever. I’m on a mission to help Heart Centered Leaders work from a place of true heart alignment so they can play full out and create real impact in the world.
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