045 - Radical Trust Equals Instant Transformation

 “Your context creates your future. It’s time to see clearly and shift the trajectory of your life.”

In this episode, Adam shares his personal journey of challenges. Despite these difficulties, he emphasizes the importance of returning to the foundational principles that led to his success. Adam’s story serves as a reminder that even in tough times, we can tap into our inner strength and resilience.

The focus of this episode is on becoming crystal clear about the context in which you operate. Your beliefs, thoughts, and stories, often unnoticed, shape your energy and ultimately determine your future. Adam highlights how many people unknowingly view their future through a lens of pessimism, even though they consider themselves positive and spiritual beings. It’s time to become aware of your context and make a conscious shift towards creating a more empowered and positive future.

Adam dives into:

  • How your context creates your future, and why it’s crucial to become aware of the beliefs, thoughts, and stories you operate from.
  • Why you need to spend more time in your pipe dream future, envisioning your big vision and unlimited potential.
  • How to practice powerful presence by letting go of past influences and future uncertainties.
  • Why you need to examine the primary feeling you carry and how to ensure it aligns with your desired future.
  • How to strip away pressure and trust yourself to show up authentically and make a difference.

 Are you ready to show up with your heart to step into your aligned, authentic self? Join the waitlist for Heart Centered Selling 3 part training series. Don’t miss out on this life-changing opportunity – sign up now


I’ve always been the creative type and am a nut over marketing psychology. I love working with others and have a passion for helping businesses grow.

For as long as I can remember my goal was to one day establish a marketing agency where I could have creative control over marketing communication & messaging. Little did I know, this goal would be within my grasps much earlier than ever expected.