Real Heart Alignment Podcast with your host Adam Kiddoo

Episode 57

29 February 2024

Tame Your Dragon

In this episode, Adam delves into the art of taming personal dragons through self-awareness and preparation. Adam invites you to confront your biggest challenges head-on, identifying deep-rooted issues hindering personal growth.
Adam shares insights on overcoming obstacles, particularly in achieving fitness goals, by focusing on consistent action and shifting limiting beliefs.

Key takeaways,

  •  Self-awareness and preparation are keys to conquering personal challenges, as Adam advises you to understand and tame their biggest “dragons.”
  •  Addressing deep-rooted issues and habits is vital for personal growth, as Adam shares his journey of confronting discomfort to achieve positive change.
  • Adam emphasizes the importance of physical activity for progress by overcoming obstacles in fitness goals requires identifying and taking action on key habits.
  • Consistent gym attendance can lead to positive changes in various life areas, such as diet and sleep, as Adam experienced in his journey.


Adam loves to hear the questions, usually has answers (although they’re now always what you “want” to hear), and he thrives on contributing to your growth as you transcend entrepreneurial obstacles.

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The amount of uncertainty and damaging noise in the world is at an all time high. We need Heart Centered Leaders now more than ever. I’m on a mission to help Heart Centered Leaders work from a place of true heart alignment so they can play full out and create real impact in the world.
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