036 - Overcoming Doubts and Challenges Through Radical Self-Awareness

This episode provides an overview of the importance of using the concept of false Peaks, resisting the ego, and many other tips for success, such as being mindful of the way social media is used, focusing on spiritual practices and routines, investing in healing activities, setting up boundaries and communication, collaborating with like-minded people and helping others. It emphasizes that understanding our frustrations and pains and being Heart Centered leaders can be a pathway to success.


In this inspiring episode Adam talks about,

  • Why Adam’s ego was in so much pain recently.
  • Why you need to be hyper-intentional and super clear on what you want and step out of routines and patterns that lead to suffering.
  • Do you know that when you expect something to be a certain way, you put your ego on the line thinking it’s going to be a certain way.
  • What sets you apart from other successful people?
  • How to know if you’re in alignment.
  • Is it crucial to remain focused and grounded in order to sustain success and resist the ego.
  • “When you can work from a blank slate, you can trust yourself.”


I’ve always been the creative type and am a nut over marketing psychology. I love working with others and have a passion for helping businesses grow.

For as long as I can remember my goal was to one day establish a marketing agency where I could have creative control over marketing communication & messaging. Little did I know, this goal would be within my grasps much earlier than ever expected.